Vianey E. | Swift Kids Branch
Vianey has been a dedicated and active member at the Swift Branch for 10 years. During her time as a member, both on the youth and teen sides, she has participated in a little bit of everything. From empowering programs such as SMART Girls and Torch Club, to every sport her Club has to offer, she has done it all. As a teen member, she stepped up to be on the newly formed girls’ basketball team, and stayed dedicated the entire season while bringing fun to the team and support to her fellow teammates. In addition to her years in Torch Club, she has been a leader in Keystone as well.
Vianey has dreams of making her passion of working with kids her career. She is interested in becoming a Kindergarten teacher in the future and plans on attending Glendale Community College for her general education credits. Afterwards, she is considering transferring to Arizona State University to finish out her early childhood education degree. She is eager to get out into the world on her own, and start making strides toward bettering tomorrow’s youth.
Vianey enjoys spending her time doing a little bit of everything. Whether it be watching the Suns play, or getting on the court herself – basketball is definitely a piece of her heart. In addition, she also appreciates art. She enjoys drawing and painting when she has the chance to.
Q: Where do you think you would be without the Boys & Girls Club? /What advice would you give to young people about joining the Club?
I don’t think I would be where I am today without the Boys & Girls Club. They’ve helped me get out of my shell and make new friends so I encourage people who are thinking about joining to do so because it will be worth it in the long haul.
Q: Do you have any special skills or talents?
A special talent I have is I know how to play the flute. I played in 4-5 grade and I am currently playing in my high school band.
Q: What’s your favorite quote or saying? (something you live by, inspirational, leadership)
Be the change that you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi
Learn more about Swift Kids Branch