Parent Survey 2024

Parent Survey 2024
Survey responses highlighted many strengths of our program while also pointing us toward areas where we can grow and improve. We're excited to share some key findings from the survey and update you on how we're using the feedback to make our Clubs even better!

Impact on Kids / Members

Impact on Parents

Safety & Security
- “Safe, nurturing environment with supportive staff”
- “Safe passage”
- “I don’t worry about them being safe”
- Parents repeatedly emphasize feeling confident their children
are protected - Particularly important for working parents
Staff Excellence
- Staff build meaningful relationships with children
- Special mention of staff helping children with behavioral/
emotional needs - Staff are amazing...my son has ADHD and they made it a safe place for him”
- Multiple mentions of staff going “above and beyond”
- Staff know children by name and share stories with parents
Affordability & Convenience
- “Affordable tuition, free meals and snacks”
- “Makes working full time easier”
- Critical for single parents and working families
- Extended hours (until 7pm) frequently praised
- School transportation service highly valued
- Available during school breaks/holidays
Programming Quality
- Diverse activities: sports, arts, homework help
- Character development and leadership opportunities
- Teen programs particularly appreciated
- “Whole Child Approach with different enrichment activities”
- Social skill development through team activities